Today I’m sitting in the closed-up ranch house writing to you with my winter coat on. I’m finding myself a bit nostalgic for the camping season and thought you might be, too. It got me thinking about what I’m grateful for this past year. I picked out a few things I’m grateful for that I thought I’d share with you.
“Being able to experience the world as it is available to you.” Everyone has different experiences of the world, be they wide and varied or narrow and well-traveled. For me, the ranch offers a wider experience of the world, through meeting new people and making new friends.
“Your mind for storing all those good nostalgic memories; perfect for drawing upon when you need them most.” These winter months are perfect for reliving all those warm summer camping memories.
“The picture your imagination can conjure up, taking you anywhere when you need it.” Where do you imagine yourself? Sitting outside your tent or camper? Riding horses on a peaceful trail ride? Fishing or swimming? If it’s not shoveling snow, you can be grateful to your imagination.
“Pursuing your dream.” Our dream at El Rancho is to bring you the best possible camping and/or horseback riding experience. We’re grateful that you give us the opportunity to fulfill our dream every season.
“Learning, whatever that means to you.” I’m grateful that we have so many opportunities to learn in different ways. We can choose to learn from each other, from reliable internet sources, from classes, and from the world around us.
“Good customers you want to do the best job for.” This one resonates with me personally, as I have met some of the nicest customers working for El Rancho. Good customers make you want to go out of your way to make sure everything is right.
“How you treat others.” This one we have control over more than some of the other ones. We can look back over the last year and be grateful that we’ve treated others with kindness and respect. In that same vein, we can be grateful we’ve maintained healthy boundaries with ourselves and others.
“The place you call home.” This final one is especially meaningful to me, and hopefully to you, too. El Rancho has been the place I call home for decades, even when I haven’t been here. I believe home is where you feel safe and comfortable to be yourself. Home is a place where you can grow and that growth is accepted. Home is a state of mind where you feel grounded and surrounded by happy, meaningful memories.
Kevin and the El Rancho staff thank you for a wonderful 2024 season. We’re grateful for your business but also grateful for the wonderful interactions we’ve had with you. Thank you for sharing your summers with us. Thank you for staying in contact with us on social media and supporting our Facebook posts. Thank you for your little notes. Thank you for holding us accountable. Thank you for creating memories, both with your families and with us. Thank you for making our campground yours.
Best wishes for a safe and prosperous New Year. We wish you all the best and we look forward to seeing you in the summer of 2025.
PS: If you’re interested, I found the list of things to be grateful for here: https://mindjournals.com/blogs/read/things-to-be-grateful-for